Posts Tagged ‘HCI’

I Don’t Like Yahoo, Seriously!

I have started to dislike Yahoo!, and it is only a matter of time before this disliking turns into hate. Here’s why…

Bank Alfalah, Fix Your IVR

I had the misfortune of calling both the Citibank and the Bank Alfalah help lines today (took me around 1 hour and my cell ran out of credit) to resolve some minor (yet presistant) issues with my (not so) new address, and found out a funny thing.

B(ack)log Links – Part Two

The rest of the websites/articles/phenomenon that have been on my mind during August. I can finally empty the 'TO BLOG' folder.  So here they are…

Pakistan’s Haier Edukation Instillations, Kwality Ashorance and PTCL Broadband

I read about HEC's discounted rates for the PTCL broadband for people affiliated with their institutes, and was going to ask my younger brother (who teaches at NUCES) to get me a connection, but it turned out that their ONLINE subscription form link is dead. Sad irony. Stripping down the port :88 from the URL […]

Age is not just a number

Reorganizing my online presence is one of the items on my agenda this month. It includes updating my profiles on the 100+ websites that I have become a member of in the last 10 years or so. Today, I started with editing my Yahoo profile, and here’s what I had in the ‘age’ field:   […]