Two Great Stress-Relieving Flash Games

So I installed Gears of War last week, but it turned out that my laptop (Dell Inspiron 9400/2GB RAM/Go 7800 etc.), like its owner, is almost obsolete. So if you are like me, here are two excellent games to get rid of your gamer’s itch (and get back to work so that you can buy a new laptop) – Quest for the Crown and YHTBTR. Don’t miss the credits on YHTBTR!

Whirled – SecondLife in 2D

Whirled – which is an interesting mix of casual games, social networking, online role-playing and user created content by Three Rings (the people behind Puzzle Pirates) went public beta a couple of days ago. It was in closed beta for more than one year (I got an invite through my Puzzle Pirates mates pretty early). Check it out – I will update this post later.

Desktop Tower Defense – An Inspiration to Young Entrepreneurs

DTD turned one week old recently. I used to play a lot of Desktop Tower Defense (or DTD as it is more commonly known) when it was launched and went crazily viral, thanks to a bunch of popular blogs that covered it.

Paul and Dave, the two guys behind DTD, shared the figures (100,000$) that they have earned in the first year of this small but addictive game on their blog. They also shared the story of the creation of DTD. It is a must read for the young web entrepreneurs of Pakistan (and elsewhere). This one small flash game enabled them to quit their day jobs and start their own casual game firm by the name of Casual Collective. So go read it!