Lahore vs. Bangalore vs. San Francisco on Twitter

Twitter added a search feature recently. In the spirit of micro-blogging, here are a few quick and interesting twitter search results:

Lahore: 15 results, Karachi: 35 results, San Francisco: 2038 results, Bangalore: 194 results

Translated into Twitterers (or Tweeters or whatever) per 1000 citizens (using Wikipedia), its:

Lahore AND Karachi (both have approximately the same ratio):  1 out of 0.57 MILLION tweeters, San Francisco: 1 out of 396 tweeters, Bangalore: 1 out of 27216 tweeters.


5 thoughts on “Lahore vs. Bangalore vs. San Francisco on Twitter”

  1. What comedy is this? Lahore is historical city and it’s GDP nominal/PPP are nowhere near to Bangalore/San Francisco. The only city from Pakistan which is competing with indian metros is Karachi.

    In 2008, the top south asian cities by GDP is like this:

    Mumbai – $209 billion
    Delhi – $167 billion
    Kolkata -$104 billion
    Karachi -$78 billion
    Dhaka – $77 billion
    Bangalore-$68 biilion
    Chennai-$64 billion
    Hyderabad(India)-$60 billion
    Ahmedabad – $59 billion
    Pune-$36 billion
    Surat – $32 billion

    Karachi did well under rule of some famous mayor. Later it couldn’t maintain that growth rate. Bangalore overtook Kaarachi in 2010 with a GDP of $88 billion compared to $83 billion of karachi. Dhaka is now $81 billion, Chennai is now $77 billion, Ahmedabad $74 billion, Hyderabad(India) $72 billion

    Karachi is currently growing at 4% compared to 10.77% of bangalore, 7.3% for chennai, 9.4% for Ahmedabad, 5.7% for Hyderabad(India).
    So above mentioned tier 2 indian metros will also overtake Karachi and Dhaka in terms of GDP nominal/PPP. Lahore is nowhere in the list dude. So don’t bring it. You can compare Lahore with tier 3/tier 4 metros in india. Karachi alone generates 28% Pakistan’s total GDP. SO it’s heart of your economy. Don’t let it break 🙂

    1. @Naveen
      It’s not a comedy, I swear!
      Please check the context – it was about the software capitals of the countries, not metros/financial capitals.
      I am amazed you took out the time to pull out facts and figures though. Kudos.

  2. karachi is not alone pakistan high gdp ranked city ,islamabad, lahore, multan ,faislabad are also pakistan high gdp ranking cities.and soon our new under construction port gawader will be no 1 in gdp ranking

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