Marlboro Man is Here

ImageSo the Marlboro Man is finally taking over the Pakistani tobacco market.

Too bad they are a few years too late. Had they come to us a couple of decades earlier, they would have found a perfect fit in the form of the ready-to-go localized model for the Marlboro Man role – one that is healthier, and is already associated with death and horses (shown in the picture (stolen from here).

B(ack)log Links – Part One

I just took a look at my 'FOR BLOG' bookmarks folder and was amazed to see the number of pages (66) I have bookmarked during August, with the intention to write about them here, but never got the chance. So, in an attempt to cross that task from my TODO list, I'm posting some of them here (minus the planned commentary/discussion/blogging) and deleting the rest. They should have converted into 66 posts, but oh well!

I need a break from all the copy/pasting now, and will have to split this post in two parts. So these are the things that have been using up my brain cycles this month. If you find any of the above things useful/fun/entertaining/offensive, do leave a comment so that I can justify spending the last hour or so on this.