Lahore Bloggers Meetup 2008

A few hours ago, I came back from the Lahore Bloggers’ Meetup, held at LUMS today. Before I lose the motivation, and since I feel very guilty about being called a blogger with my posting frequency (1 post a month or so – that’s bad) – here’s my impression of what I consider the highlights of the event…

The event was publicized completely online, Facebook and Twitter created most of the buzz, and it was arranged in only 3-4 days. Yet, more than a hundred people showed up!

Many questions were raised and insights were shared – which will probably be shared on other blogs (the kind that have daily posts). What was noticeable to me was the energy-level (which was really high), the crowd (which was very diverse, with people ranging from 9 to 59) and the sense of ‘belonging’ and community that probably translated itself from the virtual world to the real world without much loss. So there were no hesitations in introductions and starting conversations – after all, most of us already knew each other.

Ironically, there was no internet, as the LUMS wifi was down and the backups that people had were not working either, but I think that was actually part of the reason of the event’s success, as most of the bloggers with laptops would have been typing away to cover it live otherwise, and the interactive sessions would have suffered (but that’s my personal opinion). So the lack of network probably resulted in a lot more networking than would have been possible otherwise.

I met more than a dozen friends for the first time, missed meeting many more (see you next time people and tweeple). I was told that I sound younger online but look older in person (which is a HUGE compliment for me), met most of the Lahore Metblogs team (yes, I have managed to write a couple of posts there, and so, qualify as an LMB member). Badar Khushnood did a fabulous job of organizing the event and moderating the discussions.

Though much of Badar’s focus was to inform the attendants who do not blog on how to start blogging as a serious source of income, Hassan Mubarik of LMB made a good point when he said that the original spirit of blogging was to say what you want to say rather than saying what other people want to hear, and making money out of it. As far as this (personal) blog of mine is concerned, I would totally agree with Hassan and applaud him for bringing up this important distinction for the record.

The tea session went on well beyond the 1 hour or so that it was probably originally intended to last, as people were so deep in discussions and networking that many were reluctant to leave. Many ideas were floated, and I am sure that many future partnerships were made in that short span of time.

I was a long-needed event, and I hope more events like this one would soon follow.

(This has been one of the fastest posts that I have ever written, so there’s hope for me as a blogger yet)

World Usability Day 2008 – Lahore

World Usability Day 2008 Lahore

At the occasion of the World Usability Day, the Interaction Design Center has organized an event at the UMT Campus on Thursday, November 13th. The event will consist of a series of talks, case studies, and a documentary screening. Every year the event has a theme and this year’s theme is transportation.

Three reasons you should attend:

  • Lahore is home to a lot of “interesting” means of transportation not found anywhere else in the world
  • Helvetica” is a great documentary
  • Registration for the event is free

So if you have some time to spare this Thursday, and are intersted in “Usability” either as a user or a creator, head over to the registration page and let IXDC know.

Hope is a Pain-Killer

Osama of tagged me on FaceBook to describe a metaphor that I would use for ‘hope’. I would have shied away from such an invitation, but since Osama’s objective is to “get people talking” (and hopefully, thinking and doing as a consequence), so I’ll bite and dump my thoughts on ‘hope’ here, but first, the disclaimer.

Disclaimer: These are my own raw and twisted ideas – unresearched, unrefined and uninfluenced by anything Obama (or Osama). I know Obama’s campaign revolves around Hope, but I have deliberately missed his speeches, though his book is in my reading queue.

My personal metaphor for hope:

Hope is a Pain-Killer

At its most basic level, I think hope serves as a harmless ‘filler’ between an action and its consequence. A pool player shoots and hopes that he makes the shot and wins the game. A poker player bluffs and hopes his bluff is not called. A professor teaches and hopes that his students change the world for the better. People doing their thing and then hoping their efforts are fruitful. This is what I call ‘positive hope‘ – a positive force and a good thing in any shape and size. It is still present and available around us in small doses, though very rare.

The rest of this post is about a couple of other flavors, shades and variants that hope comes in, variants that we sometimes mistake for this ‘positive hope’.

Opposite to the ‘positive hope’ is the ‘fantastic hope‘, which is actually a wish in disguise. It is the hope of a negligent student to get an A in the final exam, or the hope of an obese person to look slimmer without exercise. This kind of hope is responsible for selling miracle cures and forms the basis of many marketing campaigns. It is still hope, but the important thing missing is ‘action’, and that lack is something to watch out for.

There are millions of people in the world who have not touched a cricket (or baseball) bat or kicked a football in years, and yet they sit hypnotized in front of their large screen plasma TVs for hours to watch a match, or even go abroad to watch a whole game series if they can afford it. They root for their favorite teams (or their home country), wear the merchandise, talk for hours about the permutations and combinations, and passionately argue, fight or kill to defend the honor of “their” team… and to let corporations sell them “stuff”. They do it every other day, and they do it most of their lives. This is the most abundant form of hope that I see all around me, every day. I call it ‘cotton-candy hope‘.

We read about about how Romans used theater, arenas and gladiators as an energy outlet for their warriors in times of peace – I think that somehow, over the centuries, arts, games and sports have all devolved from a useful tool to keep the “warriors” alert and healthy into factories for hope-generating scenarios, and even though the “war” has changed its form, we have degenerated into hope-addicts. We hope our team wins, we hope the hero of the movie breaks out of the prison, we hope team X beats team Y and changes the standings table so that our team gets to play in the finals. We hope, and we hope because it feels good and because it generates a warm and fuzzy feeling in primitive parts of our brain, especially when our hopes are fulfilled.


Sometimes we amplify the effect of our hopes by putting up personal bets on ‘our’ teams, and experience small hits of joy when we win those bets. Some of us get so addicted that they start hitting casinos in the pursuit of hope – hope that starts from the time we insert a coin into the slot machine and lasts until the time the symbols come to a stop. This is the kind of hope that conditions us until we become the experts of ‘fantastic hope‘ – whenever things go wrong, we start ‘hoping’ them to get fixed by a miracle or some divine intervention, without any action to back it up. As we sink deeper, we wonder about all that is wrong with the world that we live in, and that gives us a reason for further hope.

Just like heroine, a painkiller that has turned into an illegal drug due to abuse, we get addicted to hope to the point where we start hoping that our hopes will materialize into solutions. Instead of using it as a relief from a headache, we start taking the hope painkiller as a panacea to all our problems, and instead of thinking of hope as an after-effect of action, we start idolizing it as the action itself.

Some people may define ‘hope’ as the opposite of fear, despair or a defeatist attitude, which is true too, but just as fear is the mind-killer, hope for its own sake is usually a progress-killer, almost as counterproductive as these negative emotions.

If we really need to select an emotional response to our circumstances and situation, we should try a bit of rage – there is a higher probability of (controlled) rage breaking the inertia and inciting us into action. Once we gain enough momentum through our actions, perhaps we will be able to switch to autopilot and let hope guide us from the backseat.

Hi, I am Sohaib

I should have asked this question many months ago, but better late than never.

Who are you? Why do you come here? Do you subscribe to the RSS feed, or does Google bring you here against your will? Do I know you from the offline world? Do we have something in common?

I have intentionally disabled comments on this post. Please leave a comment on the “Who are You?” page instead, that I have made just for you.


Bomb Blast in Lahore Targets Jews and Barbarians

Last night, some terrorists succeeded in planting three time-bombs in the Garhi Shahu area in Lahore, an area that is 4-5 kilometers away from my house. Thankfully, nobody had died until the last update.

I  had to turn on the idiot box (after many months) to catch the live report, and was lucky enough to witness the uber-intelligent reporters standing inside the shop that was destroyed. Using their extremely intelligent brains, and standing on top of the scene of the blast without caring about forensic evidence, they decreed that “The bombs were planted to create panic in the common citizens”.

I think they are wrong, and I have an alternate theory. It involves the terrorists’ big boss telling them to Read more “Bomb Blast in Lahore Targets Jews and Barbarians”