I Condemn the Lahore Bomb Blast

While searching for updates regarding the bomb blast in Lahore today, I couldn't help noticing the top two links on Google News were from the Associated Press of Pakistan, a 4 hour difference between the two releases. The titles are linked to the APP pages – I'm just copy pasting the two 'releases' one after the other.

Minister Petroleum condemns Lahore blast ISLAMABAD, Mar 4 (APP): Caretaker Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources Ehsanullah Khan Tuesday strongly condemned bomb blast in Lahore, which caused loss of precious lives. In his message he said it was the heinous act of terrorism reflects inhuman nature of the perpetrators. He said anti Islam and anti state elements wanted to derail the ongoing democratic process in the country but they will not succeed in their nefarious designs. The Minister prayed for the deceased, that may Allah Almighty rest the departed souls in eternal peace and grant the bereaved families the courage to bear the loss. He expressed his condolence and sympathy with the families of killed and the injured.


NA Speaker condemns Lahore blast ISLAMABAD, Mar 4 (APP): Speaker National Assembly, Ch. Amir Hussain on Tuesday strongly condemned bomb blast in Lahore, which caused loss of precious lives. In a statement, the Speaker said it was a barbaric act of terrorism, which reflected inhuman and callous nature of the perpetrators. He said a few misguided people were trying to disrupt peace in the country and derail the peaceful democratic process but they will not succeed in their nefarious design. He said the criminals were playing with the lives of innocent people. Praying for the deceased, the Speaker said that may Allah Almighty rest the souls of the victims in eternal peace and grant the bereaved families the courage to bear the loss. He also sympathized with the injured and their families and prayed for their speedy recovery.

I was really moved by their straight-from-the-heart honest sentiments, it did not know our government cared that deeply about the deceased. I'm also surprised at how similar their thought process is, its almost as if they were speaking from the same slimy tongue. I am sure that with such caring rulers who are thinking about the nation all the time and are dedicated to the democratic process, Pakistan will soon be back on the way towards progress.

So, to follow in their footsteps, I strongly condemn the bomb blast in Lahore, which caused loss of precious lives…

APP, can I have a press release page please?