Musharraf’s Two Hat Tricks and Pro-BB CNN

Despite my aversion to political commentary, I couldn't help checking out the couple of remaining news channels that are still online. One of those channels has a news ticker saying:

"Chief of the Army Staff Pervaiz Musharraf has imposed a state of emergency…" and immediately afterwards:

"President of Pakistan Pervaiz Musharraf will address the nation anytime tonight".


CNN, on the other hand, in [this] post, thinks that its a euphemised Martial Law, and says "Emergency declared by president" … confusing me on whodunnit.. the President or the COAS? The CNN report seems to be more about portraying BB as a hero than Pakistan actually, claiming that "…Bhutto, who has defied death threats, is working to lead…" and "Bhutto received light wounds, but escaped largely unharmed  [in the suicide attacks]". I had the impression she was safely towed away from the mess in her armored vehicle. Stop confusing me CNN!

I guess I should start watching TV again. :-/