the guy who liveblogged the Osama raid without knowing it

… is what I am for the next few hours on twitter. I am too tired and sleepy to blog or talk about it though, but I guess it is finally time to revive this abandoned blog. Maybe tomorrow…

Categories: Etc

94 thoughts on “the guy who liveblogged the Osama raid without knowing it”

  1. Congratulations and thanks for being “the guy”, as your reporting has given independent credibility to the whole operation. Keep letting us know about local developments as investigations proceed.


  2. Thumbs poised over the tiny keypad of my Moto Droid#1, as I struggle to decide what to say… I caught your tweets early on, before CNN posted the news of your live report. Now, as we sit on minute 16, I read your blog and see…with heartbreak, WHY you moved… I hope this year finds your son healthy, your family safe despite the world whirring around you, clamoring for attention & news from the guy who happened to be awake. Tonight on 20/20, I was surprised to hear details emerge, clarifying the events in your tweets. I never thought we would be told this Intel, I thought that it would remain a well kept secret, as we wondered how your tweets “fit in” to the events as they unfolded. I finally today subscribed to the tweets for you, before I read the blog. When I first caught sight, you were under 10k, now you are over 100k. And.. sitting on Minute Sixteen, we sit with you… as if, you are a virtual friend we know, but will never meet. Take Care, Stay Safe Our Virtual Friend.

  3. Some wise one once said “tomorrow nerver comes” as evident.
    Get back to twitting yaar

  4. Congrats on your promotion to a footnote of history 🙂

    Not many people accomplish that 🙂

  5. thanks for answering my question in the nsfaq. With 100K followers and an extended fifteen minutes I think you truly are the accidental journalist…writer…tweeter…choose your own moniker. Your experiences speak for many who can only describe military actions from a personal perspective. CPJ would tell you it’s a dangerous profession but I hope it’s simply a part of the life you were already living.

  6. This is really something…a nice capture of history while it was unfolding at a top secret level. You should publish your story…I’d buy it =]

  7. I also came to know about you because of your now world-famous tweet. I enjoy your thoughts and thank you for publishing them.

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